Clashes deepen in the Alliance for Albanians in North Macedonia

 Internal disagreements within the Albanian Alliance for Albanians (ASH) are expected to result in changes in ministerial positions within the party in the government of North Macedonia. The faction led by former ASH chairman Ziadin Sela is demanding the dismissal of Health Minister Fatmir Mexhiti and Minister of Information Society and Administration Azir Aliu, and their replacement with Ilir Demiri, currently the director of the Tetovo Hospital, and Naim Bajrami.

From the left former ASH chairman Ziadin Sela and actual Arben Taravari
 From the left former ASH chairman Ziadin Sela and actual Arben Taravari
The current ministers, Mexhiti and Aliu, have expressed support for ASH chairman Arben Taravari after his announcement to join the Albanian opposition in the spring elections.

According to a statement issued by Sela's faction within ASH, this decision was made by 5 out of 7 members of the party's leadership council, as per the communication.

The government in Skopje decided in its recent session to remove the directors of the "Macedonian Post" and the Foreign Investment Agency, who had aligned themselves with Taravari.

ASH Chairman Arben Taravari describes these actions as blackmail, threats, and instilling fear among party activists regarding their removal from their positions while stating on Facebook: "This is futile. The change has begun, and nothing can turn it back."

ASH holds three ministerial positions in the government. Justice Minister Krenar Lloga has aligned himself with the former party leader and Speaker of its Parliament, Ziadin Sela, against the coalition with the parties Besa, Alternativa, and the Democratic Movement, which have merged into the "European Movement for Change" in anticipation of the presidential and parliamentary elections to be held on April 24 and May 8.

Taravari made the unexpected decision to join the Albanian opposition without coordination with the highest organs of the party. The decision followed his meeting a week ago in Pristina called by Prime Minister Albin Kurti with LEN leaders Bilall Kasami, Afrim Gashi, and Izet Mexhiti. The latter said they had offered Taravari to run in the presidential race, but he had expressed no interest in doing so.

The Alliance for Albanians was formed in 2015 by politicians and activists dissatisfied with the policies of the Democratic Party of Albanians when it was led by Menduh Thaçi following the death of Arben Xhaferi.

ASH has 8 deputies in the country's parliament. They also appear to be divided as some of them did not attend Wednesday's session when a quorum was needed to begin debate on several bills.

Some analysts assess that developments within the party may be detrimental to the political entity itself, and its future may not be secure.
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