Moscow "Explodes" by Zelensky's visit to Tirana at the Ukraine-Southeast Europe Summit

 Russian media have paid attention to Zelensky's visit to Tirana as they try to downplay it and attack both Tirana and Pristina. They are also dissatisfied with Vučić.

From the left: Zelensky, Vucic and Rama in Tirana, February 28, 2024
From the left: Zelensky, Vucic and Rama in Tirana, February 28, 2024, source: video screenshot
Zelensky's visit to Tirana seems to have been poorly received by Moscow. The Ukrainian president received support from the entire region as agreements were reached to support Ukraine militarily. The plan is for our country and other countries to strengthen the military industry to supply Ukraine with ammunition. However, as usual, Russian media have started their criticisms, wanting to diminish the significance of his visit to the region.

"" is a portal founded by the state media "Russia Today" and has devoted a lengthy article to Zelensky's visit to Tirana. According to this article, regional leaders were not focused on him at all but rather on the funds that the EU would provide, also tying it to today's summit where the EU announced a fund of 6 billion euros. There is also a message for Vučić.

Excerpt from the article:

"All happy families are alike; but each unhappy family is unhappy in its own way. And what happens in a not always friendly Balkan family was demonstrated by the arrival of a problematic relative (Zelensky) at a family gathering: the Ukraine-Southeast Europe Summit in Tirana.

It is no secret that the Balkan countries did not go there to deal with the problems of distant relatives left without money but to discuss a plan from Brussels, which just promised to divide 6 billion euros among them. But not equally, but to each according to his achievements, or more precisely, depending on how quickly each fixes his home. Each country will undertake reforms in the field of justice and economy, will review foreign policy, and what is also important, will show willingness to support its distant Ukrainian relative.

For a family photo, where the honored place in the front row in the middle is reserved for the honored host from Brussels, where everyone is ready to smile, even to hug each other. But then they will go home, and there, together with their family members, they will have to rack their brains on how to fulfill the capricious host's will.

Some of them may agree to help a relative in need, but some of them want not this close relative to come to a family gathering, but his elder brother, with whom he has not spoken for years."


Albania is one of those NATO member countries that are always ready to listen to the wishes of the military-political bloc leadership and be the most loyal allies - of course, within their capabilities. From the outset, the country sided with Kiev in the Ukrainian conflict. Zelensky is welcomed in Tirana, but, as it turns out, not only because he is a friend of the larger Euro-Atlantic family.

The fact is that the Albanian leadership is actively participating in the Western project for the separation of Kosovo from Serbia. Meanwhile, Kiev does not recognize Kosovo's independence, as this step would eliminate the possibility of seeking the return of Crimea and other territories.

It is possible that the host of the event in Tirana, Albanian Prime Minister Edi Rama, seized the opportunity to convince Zelensky, tempting him with Soviet weapons, which the Albanian army is ready to provide.


Kosovo has the status of a partially recognized separatist entity and is therefore content with what it receives. The leadership in Pristina does not hide the fact that the policy of this state is shaped by Washington and Brussels. Therefore, despite the fact that Ukraine does not recognize Kosovo, partnership relations have developed between Kosovo separatists and Kiev.

The so-called President of Kosovo, Vjosa Osmani, has constantly stated that Pristina will support Kiev until victory and the full "liberation" of Ukrainian territory. Naturally, with the hope that Kiev will reciprocate when the issue of Kosovo's broad international recognition is raised.


In this new Balkan union under the supervision of the EU and NATO, Serbian President Aleksandar Vučić is in the most difficult position. Belgrade is trying to maintain relations with both its traditional and reliable partner Moscow, as well as with Kiev, which, like Serbia, claims a place in the larger European family in the future.

The absurdity of this situation is very clearly manifested in the defense of Serbia's sovereignty regarding its southern region. Russia is the most consistent defender of Serbia's territorial integrity in all international platforms. In this regard, Serbia is interested in supporting Russia, at least until the leadership in Belgrade changes its stance. Meanwhile, it says it will never recognize Kosovo's independence.

On the other hand, Belgrade is grateful to Kiev for the fact that Ukraine has not yet recognized Kosovo, although it understands that with the strong desire of the West, this situation could change very quickly. But here Belgrade has a trump card that it can play before Zelensky's eyes for now - the Serbian military industry, which shows particular success in the production of ammunition.

So far, Aleksandar Vučić has managed to maneuver skillfully between the interests of Russia and Ukraine, Russia and the West, Ukraine and Serbia, Serbia and the West, Serbia and Russia, between his political interests and the interests of his people. But the longer this game continues, the less room he has for maneuvering. The question is whether he will stay until the end of the game and if he will turn into a goal in itself.

And Zelensky?

While awaiting American assistance, Zelensky travels to various countries, gathers pieces from around the world, and promotes his so-called peace initiative, in which, according to his idea, the whole world, except Russia, should sign up. On this tour, he also visited the Balkans. In the military depots of Balkan countries, many interesting things from the time of former Yugoslavia are stored, where Soviet military equipment was highly respected.
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