Serbian TV Channels Interrupt Kurti's UN Speech, While Kosovar Ones Air Vučić's

Serbian TV Channels Interrupt Kurti's UN Speech, While Kosovar Ones Air Vučić's
 Shaip Kamberi
 The sole Albanian deputy in the Serbian Parliament, Shaip Kamberi, has reacted following reports that several media outlets in Serbia did not broadcast Prime Minister Albin Kurti's speech at the United Nations Security Council meeting. In a post on the "X" platform, Kamberi writes that four media outlets interrupted the broadcast, while those in Kosovo aired the entire speech by the Serbian president.

"While Albin Kurti delivered his speech, RTS and three other Serbian channels interrupted the broadcast of the Security Council session. Meanwhile, RTK aired President Vučić's entire speech! Now, in which country is there more tolerance," Kamberi writes.

From the office of the Deputy Prime Minister of Kosovo, this was termed censorship, emphasizing that Aleksandar Vučić is gripped by panic and fear.

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