Albanian Court Sentences 9 Women Returning from Syria for ISIS Links

 Albanian court has handed down sentences to nine women repatriated from Syria, who were wives of ISIS fighters, accused of "participation in a terrorist organization" and "participation in military activities in a foreign state."

Albanian women linked to ISIS walking out of the courthouse
 Albanian women linked to ISIS walking out of the courthouse
Judge Rudina Palloj accepted prosecutor Elida Kaçkini's request and found all nine defendants guilty, sentencing each to 7 years in prison. With the application of expedited trial procedures, the sentence was reduced to 4 years and 8 months of imprisonment.

Meanwhile, the Special Prosecutor's Office sought the suspension of the sentence for each woman and their placement on probation for 5 years. Additionally, upon Kaçkini's request, the court ordered the removal of security measures preventing the defendants from leaving the country.

Furthermore, it was ordered that the 9 individuals not associate with anyone who has been investigated or convicted of such criminal acts, nor frequent environments with individuals holding radical views.

During the period of 2013-2014, the nine women left for Syria, following their husbands who went to fight alongside Al Nusra and later for ISIS.

According to investigations by the Special Anti-Corruption Prosecutor's Office, it was found that all the defendants willingly joined the two terrorist organizations in Syria.
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