Serbia attacks Serbs in Kosovo? Kosovo police remove explosives from a vehicle

 In a concerning turn of events, Kosovo's Minister of Interior, Xhelal Sveçla, has accused the Serbian state of orchestrating attacks against Kosovo Serbs. This accusation follows the placement of a bomb in a vehicle in Leposaviq.

A Kosovo armored car and an officer in the North of Kosovo
 A Kosovo armored car and an officer in the North of Kosovo
"When Serbia loses political battles, lacking arguments, it turns to war-mongering rhetoric and acts of violence bordering on terrorism. The tendency to control members of the Serbian community in Kosovo persists, but with diminishing success every day," writes the minister.

Sveçla's reaction comes after a Kosovo Serb citizen reported a suspicious device placed in his vehicle. Police responded to the scene and discovered a plastic explosive, PENT, of Serbian origin, an electric detonator, a 9-volt battery, 6 magnets, and a conducting wire.

Law enforcement successfully removed the explosive device without any damage. The informant states that he has no issues with anyone, but suspects that the placement of the explosive was intended as an act of retaliation and intimidation, as he works in Kosovo's institutions.

The police have announced that the case is under investigation. This incident occurs at a time when the atmosphere in the north is tense, due to orders from the Serbian List to the Serbian community to boycott elections for new mayors and the population registration process in Kosovo.

Authorities and security experts warn that under these conditions, Serbian extremists, with the backing of official Belgrade, may provoke numerous incidents, including armed ones.
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