Rinas Airport Employee Arrested for €20,000 Watch Theft from Passenger Bag

 State Police have announced the arrest of an employee at Rinas Airport, who is accused of stealing a valuable watch from a passenger’s luggage. The watch, estimated to be worth around 20,000 euros, was stolen during the baggage handling process.

Rinas Airport Employee Arrested for €20,000 Watch Theft from Passenger Bag
A police van on the runway of the Rinas airport and a plane getting ready to take off

The arrest of the 24-year-old Klajdi Qerimi, a resident of Krujë, came after a complaint was filed by a 30-year-old man. The complainant reported that his cousin, who had traveled from Rinas to Athens, discovered the theft of his expensive watch upon arriving in Athens. The watch had been placed in his checked luggage.

Following the report, the Crime Investigation Specialists at Rinas Police Station quickly organized their efforts to legally document the case and bring the suspect to justice. Through operational and procedural actions, the suspect, identified as K. Q., was apprehended. He worked in the baggage loading and unloading sector at the airport.

Border Police Commissariat at Rinas Airport, March 12, 2024
Border Police Commissariat at Rinas Airport, March 12, 2024 
The police successfully identified and arrested Klajdi Qerimi. The stolen watch, valued at approximately 20,000 euros, was seized as material evidence. The case has been referred to the Prosecutor’s Office for further legal proceedings.

“Rinas, stole an expensive watch from one of the passengers' luggage; a 24-year-old employee in the baggage loading-unloading sector has been identified, apprehended, and arrested. The watch, valued at around 20,000 euros, has been seized. Specialists for Crime Investigation at Rinas Police Station, following the complaint filed by a 30-year-old man that his cousin, who had traveled from Rinas to Athens, had his expensive watch stolen from his luggage and discovered the theft upon arrival in Athens, immediately organized the work for the full legal documentation of the case and holding the suspected perpetrator accountable. As a result of the operational and procedural actions carried out by the Crime Investigation Section, the suspect, K. Q., was identified and arrested. The stolen watch, valued at around 20,000 euros, was seized as material evidence. The case materials were passed to the Prosecutor’s Office," stated the State Police announcement.
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