Albania vs. Croatia: Silvinho and Gjimshiti Address Media Before Pivotal Game

 The Albanian national football team is gearing up for a crucial match against Croatia on Wednesday, June 19, in the second round of Group B at the UEFA European Championship "Germany 2024". This highly anticipated match will take place at the Hamburg Stadium, kicking off at 15:00.

The official translator of the FSHF on the left, Silvinho in the right and Gjimshiti in the middle in the pre-match press conference
The official translator of the FSHF on the left, Silvinho in the right and Gjimshiti in the middle in the pre-match press conference
In the official pre-match press conference held this afternoon, Albania's head coach Silvinho and team captain Berat Gjimshiti addressed the media's questions and shared their insights and expectations, FSHF reports.

Silvinho's Analysis and Optimism

Head coach Silvinho expressed high regard for Albania's opponents in Group B, emphasizing the honor and opportunity to compete against top-tier teams. He stated, "It's a pleasure for Albania to face such strong opponents, as it allows us to learn and grow. We have real chances to achieve positive results."

Regarding the team's condition and potential lineup for the match against Croatia, Silvinho assured that the squad is in good shape. "There are no issues. We will have one more training session and then make decisions with the staff. Everyone is ready for tomorrow's challenge against Croatia."

When asked if the match could be considered a final, Silvinho agreed, saying, "Absolutely. This is a very tough group, but it brings us great joy to play against the best teams and learn from them. We need to play uncompromisingly for the full 90 minutes and do our utmost to achieve a result."

Reflecting on the upcoming match against Croatia, Silvinho noted, "We have studied Croatia thoroughly. Despite their 3-0 loss to Spain, they played very well and created many scoring opportunities. Croatia has technically skilled and physically strong players with high passing quality. While our opponents are very strong, we also have quality players like our captain Gjimshiti, Asllani, Broja, Muçi, and others. These games will help our younger players improve significantly."

Captain Berat Gjimshiti's Perspective

Captain Berat Gjimshiti emphasized that Albania aims to perform at its best against Croatia and secure a positive result. He discussed the team's current psychological state, highlighting the importance of minimizing mistakes on the field. "We need to be smart in our gameplay and slow down the opponent's pace when necessary."

Gjimshiti acknowledged Croatia's favorite status but stressed the importance of improvement. "Croatia is the favorite. As seen in our match against Italy, every small mistake counts when facing top teams. We need to improve those moments to do better against Croatia."

Discussing a past conversation with Croatian player Mario Pašalić, Gjimshiti shared, "When I was at Atalanta, we joked around, but now it's different. He mentioned Croatia has never played against Albania, and it will be a beautiful match. I'm happy we'll meet on the field tomorrow."

Team's Psychological Readiness

Gjimshiti highlighted the crucial role of psychological readiness over physical fatigue. "Psychological readiness is more important now as it makes a difference in the game. I've talked to some players to encourage them for the next match. The first match wasn't easy, and we had different expectations. We need to improve and learn from it."

He also pointed out the importance of understanding the game's rhythm and being tactical. "We need to be intelligent in these games, have experience, and know when to slow down the opponent's pace. High-level rivals can cause damage, and we must improve. On the field, we need to be a bit 'dirty' and get what we deserve."

Croatia's Approach

Gjimshiti commented on Croatia's previous match and their approach for the next game. "Croatia didn't have an easy match against Spain, losing 3-0. It wasn't easy for them, and it won't be for us either. This is an opportunity to react to that result, and it will be challenging for both sides. We will give our best and see who wins tomorrow."

As Albania prepares for this pivotal encounter, the team and fans alike are hopeful for a strong performance and a positive outcome against a formidable Croatian side.
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