Lushnje Farmers Demand Immediate Action Against Locust Infestation

 For several consecutive years, locust swarms have been causing considerable damage to agricultural crops in the Lushnje area. This year is no different, as the first generation of locusts has already begun to devastate large tracts of land, particularly affecting alfalfa fields.

Locust Infestation n a field in Lushnje, Albania
 Locust Infestation n a field in Lushnje, Albania
Albanian media visited the fields of Myzeqe, specifically the areas of Tërbufi, Grabjan, and Pluk. In these regions, farmers have traditionally focused on livestock farming, resulting in extensive areas planted with alfalfa, which serves as the primary feed for their livestock year-round.

The area planted with alfalfa in this zone exceeds 1000 hectares. However, the locusts have started to damage these crops significantly, leaving farmers feeling powerless to combat the problem on their own. They are now calling for assistance from state agricultural institutions.

Farmers warn that if the locust infestation is not addressed immediately, the pests will not only destroy the alfalfa but will also move on to other crops, repeating the destruction seen in previous years.

Experts suggest that combating locust swarms can be effectively achieved through aerial spraying or the use of large agricultural machinery capable of treating vast areas of land quickly. Immediate action is crucial to prevent further agricultural losses and to protect the livelihoods of the farmers in Lushnje.

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