A tragic incident occurred on the "Ishull-Lezhë" beach, where a 66-year-old Italian man from Milan lost his life. According to police sources, the man suffered a cardiac arrest immediately after entering the sea.
View from the coast "Ishull Lezhë" |
Preliminary information from the police indicates that around 3:30 PM, the Italian national, identified as P.G., experienced a sudden cardiac arrest upon entering the water, which led to his death. The investigative team is currently working to fully clarify the circumstances surrounding the event.
Police Announcement:
Lezhë/Preliminary Information
At approximately 3:30 PM, on Ishull Lezhë beach, Italian citizen P. G., aged 66, resident of Milan, is suspected to have suffered a cardiac arrest at the moment he entered the sea, resulting in his death. The investigative team is working to fully clarify the circumstances of the incident.