The inscription on this coin reads 'Koin Grek'. However, we ask: to which language does the ancient word written there belong: “ΛΑΜΠΙΣ; LAMPIS => Labis = Light”?
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In the Greek Koine and modern Greek languages, ΜΠ is equivalent to B. Meanwhile, the letter 'B' itself stands for 'V'.
Therefore, any ancient writings, inscriptions on mosaics, vases, ceramics, coins, and other archaeological artifacts that contain the letter 'B' do not belong to the Greek language in any case. This is because the real Greek letter 'B' is derived from the combination of ancient letters of Phoenician origin: “ΜΠ = B”, as seen in the case of the coin we are examining in the photo.
On this coin, we find the inscription: ΛΑΜΠΙΣ LAMPIS => LABI-s = DRITË (LIGHT in Albanian).
The etymology of the word ‘ΛΑΜΠΙΣ LAMPIS’ remains unknown to the Greek language, as declared by all scholars who have studied ancient Homeric and early Greek literary words.
*ΛΑΜΠΙΣ LAMPIS => LABI-S is a word composed of the Albanian words: La = Lart(High in Albanian) and Bâ = Zot(God in Albanian) - Sun/Light.
See the etymology of the ancient word ‘Ba’:
Albanian Gheg ‘bâj’, Tosk ‘bënj’ = φαίνω} “make, seem” (originally probably “bring to an apparition”); > Albanian Gheg ‘bâj’, Tosk ‘bëhet, bêj’: = φαίνω} “become, appear” (initially with the primary meaning “bring to light, reveal”).
Thus, the 'IONIA' coin from around 340-325 BC that we see in the following photo, although written in early Greek, still speaks Albanian: LA + BA; LABA = LIGHT. (Lamp).
It is precisely this Albanian verb ‘bâ = light’ from which we get the Albanian words “Beh and Zbeh” with origins deeply recognized as far as India, which brings to the Greek technical language the verb: ‘φαίνω = see’ (I see); and the Albanian verbs: U bâ; appeared, was seen > pa-sh’, (I saw, you saw, he saw), etc.
It should be noted that many researchers claim that the ancient Greek writings can only be explained with today's Albanian language, and many confirm that the Iliad and Odyssey are understood only with today's Albanian language.