How One Albanian Farmer is Pioneering the Aronia Trend

While most farmers in Maliq, in southeastern Albania, struggle to sell traditional crops like apples, onions, and potatoes, one farmer has chosen to cultivate a unique fruit for the region known as aronia.

This agricultural product is recognized for its health benefits, and Miron Mersinllari explains how he discovered the fruit and where he obtained the first seedlings.

“In 2019, I came across this fruit while researching online. I decided to cultivate it in Korçë, and after showing interest, I managed to import the seedlings from Hungary. Aronia is a tree that can withstand temperatures ranging from -40 to +40 degrees Celsius,” he explains.

Given the limited information available about this fruit in Albania, Miron shares how he has managed to market his product.

“I’ve created a market based on my connections and efforts online,” he says. Currently, in Albania, one kilogram of aronia sells for between 600 and 700 lek, a good price for the farmer who cultivates it.
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