Former Albanian State Police Chief Rrumbullaku Highlights Achievements and Challenges in Open Message

Muhamet Rrumbullaku Officially Hands Over His Duties as Director of the State Police, Reflects on Achievements and Challenges in an Open Letter

Muhamet Rrumbullaku in a puclic speech
Muhamet Rrumbullaku in a puclic speech 
Former Director of the Albanian State Police, Muhamet Rrumbullaku, has officially handed over his duties, a few days after the announcement of his departure. In an open letter addressed to the members of the State Police, Rrumbullaku expresses his gratitude and reflections on his two years at the helm of the institution, highlighting key achievements and challenges faced by the organization.

In his message, Rrumbullaku thanks the police force for their dedication and continuous sacrifices, emphasizing that their efforts have directly contributed to improving security in Albania. He describes the moment of stepping down as an opportunity for reflection, expressing deep appreciation for every police officer’s tireless commitment.

Rrumbullaku on the Achievements During His Tenure

During his two-year mandate, Rrumbullaku emphasizes that the State Police made significant strides in improving safety indicators in the country. He mentions the continuous progress of the police, in cooperation with the Ministry of the Interior, the government, international partners, and law enforcement agencies. This collaboration, along with the valuable support of citizens, has led to a substantial increase in public trust in the police force.

He notes that while the State Police is not without its problems, the growing trust of the public, as well as the increased confidence from domestic and international law enforcement agencies, are clear indicators of the organization's successes. Rrumbullaku also highlights that Albania has become an increasingly popular tourist destination, a transformation driven in part by the police's efforts to ensure law and order.

One of the key accomplishments Rrumbullaku points out is the long-overdue implementation of a merit-based and transparent promotion system within the police force, which gave officers equal opportunities to compete and progress in their careers according to the new law.

Reflections on the Challenges and Legacy

Despite the progress, Rrumbullaku acknowledges that the State Police still faces challenges but insists that the organization should be proud of its results. His letter reflects on the broader vision and contributions made toward modernizing the police organization, including the implementation of a new law for a contemporary and efficient management structure. He emphasizes the importance of the "zero tolerance" policy towards any officers who betray their uniform by collaborating with crime, which was a priority during his 735 days in office.

Rrumbullaku also takes the moment to honor the 228 police officers who have given their lives in the line of duty, recognizing their ultimate sacrifice for the safety and security of the nation. He describes these sacrifices as a source of endless energy for those who continue to serve, encouraging them to take pride in their work, regardless of the challenges they face.

A Closing Message of Support and Gratitude

In his concluding remarks, Rrumbullaku assures his former colleagues that, although he is stepping down, he will continue to be a strong supporter of the police force. With deep respect, he wishes every police officer success in their mission to maintain law and order in the country and promises to stand by them in all circumstances.

His final words reflect both pride in the achievements of the police force under his leadership and confidence that the organization will continue to move forward successfully: 

“With the National Flag and the State Police Flag always beside me, I assure you that I will remain your main supporter in every moment and circumstance.”
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