Greek Media Claims Albanian Tradition in Viral Dance Video - Michael Jackson

Some young Albanian boys dancing to a Michael Jackson song in the traditional Albanian dance style
 Some young Albanian boys dancing to a Michael Jackson song in the traditional Albanian dance style
 Recently, a viral video featuring young Albanian men from the city of Lushnje performing with the style of the Albanian traditional dance the music of Michael Jackson, has caught the attention of Greek journalists. The video, which showcases the dancers blending Albanian cultural elements with a global pop icon, has sparked a wave of interest in Greece. However, the response from some Greek media outlets has been controversial.

Greek journalists have dedicated significant coverage to the video, but there is a noticeable attempt to identify these young men as Greeks rather than Albanians. Despite the clear indication in the video that it was filmed in Albania, one journalist speculated that the dancers might be from the Kalamata region of Greece. Although in the video it is clear that the bar is named after an Albanian beer that is produced only in Albania. This claim has raised eyebrows, as it seems to be part of a broader pattern of cultural appropriation by some in Greece.

This is not an isolated incident. There is a long history of certain Greek State, Greek media and cultural commentators attempting to appropriate Albanian traditions or symbols, especially those that can be easily manipulated or reinterpreted. A prime example is the fustanella, a traditional skirt-like garment that is historically Albanian. While many serious Greek historians acknowledge its Albanian origins, the fustanella is still widely regarded in Greece as a national symbol.

The viral video has thus become another instance in the ongoing cultural tension between Albania and Greece, where elements of Albanian heritage are claimed by Greek commentators, often to the frustration of Albanians who see these traditions as integral to their national identity. As the video continues to circulate, it remains to be seen how both sides will respond to this latest cultural controversy.
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