Kosovar Family Faces Expulsion from Switzerland After Receiving CHF 618,000 in Social Aid

 A Kosovar family is facing expulsion from Switzerland after being accused of receiving CHF 618,000 in social assistance over several years, according to reports by *Blick*. Despite having recently started working, their appeal was rejected by the Federal Court, which upheld the decision for the family to leave the country.

Kosovar Family Faces Expulsion from Switzerland After Receiving CHF 618,000 in Social Aid

The Federal Court's Decision

The Federal Court ruled that the Kosovar couple and their minor son must leave Switzerland due to their long-term dependence on social welfare. This decision was made by a panel of three judges, confirming the earlier ruling of the Aargau Administrative Court, which emphasized the significant and prolonged reliance of the family on state support.

The husband, aged 55, and the wife, aged 50, have lived in Switzerland for more than half their lives. The wife initially came to Switzerland in 1992 at the age of 17 through family reunification, and her husband joined her in 1994 after their marriage. From May 2008 until the end of 2022, the family reportedly received approximately CHF 618,000 in social aid.

In January 2022, the Aargau Migration Office announced that it would revoke the family's residence permits, a decision that was implemented in April 2022. The couple's lawyer argued that their dependency on social welfare was not permanent, as they had been employed for a year and a half, earning a net income of CHF 6,400 per month.

Court's Justification

However, the Federal Court found that receiving social assistance for over 15 years was excessively long. The court also noted that the couple only began working after being threatened with deportation by the migration office. Despite the family's efforts to become self-sufficient, the court's decision reflects Switzerland's stringent policies on long-term reliance on social welfare, particularly for non-citizens.

This case highlights the challenges faced by immigrant families in Switzerland, where dependence on social assistance can lead to severe consequences, including the revocation of residency rights and forced departure from the country.
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