On foot for 63 days from Germany to Pogradec, German pensioner Steve Dunn covers 2400 km

 In a remarkable adventure that showcases the power of determination and a passion for nature and culture, Steve Dunn, a 67-year-old from Germany, has embarked on an epic journey on foot covering over 2,000 kilometers. Starting from his home on July 8th this year, he reached Pogradec, Albania, on Friday, September 13th, after traveling through multiple Southeast European countries.

Steve Dunn after arriving in Pogradec
Steve Dunn after arriving in Pogradec
A Journey Through European Countries

During this extraordinary trip, Steve Dunn walked through Austria, Slovenia, Croatia, Bosnia, and Montenegro, finally arriving in Albania after 63 days of travel. In total, he has covered 2,400 kilometers on foot. 

A Dream to Walk to Albania

Dunn shared that he has been very active in various sports throughout his life, and his desire to walk to Albania developed in recent years. This was his first time visiting the country, and he expressed admiration for its natural beauty and the hospitality of its people.

“It’s my first time in Albania—a fantastic place. The mountainous regions, the lake—believe me, everyone I’ve met has been so kind. I met a young man working in construction who asked me what I liked about Albania. The country is developing and growing, it has a bright future, but what stood out to me was the absence of young people. They should stay in Albania; the country needs a strong generation to grow,” Dunn said.

Steve Dunn's journey isn’t over yet. He plans to continue walking to Greece, with the ultimate goal of reaching Athens and Corinth on foot. For this German pensioner, the adventure goes on, and he hopes to complete his journey in Greece.
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