Uncontrolled Sailing Vessel Found in Albania: Firearm and Documents Seized, German Passport Discovered

Uncontrolled Sailing Vessel Found in Albania: Firearm and Documents Seized, German Passport Discovered
The Border Police of Kavaja, during a routine coastal patrol, identified a sailboat making erratic movements off the coast of the village of Karpen. The vessel eventually became stranded in the sand, a few meters away from the shore.

In a statement, the police confirmed that, upon inspection of the sailboat, they found and seized a “Walther” firearm, along with a pistol magazine, ammunition, two mobile phones, a laptop, and the boat’s documents.

Additionally, a German passport bearing the name F. R., an 85-year-old individual, was discovered aboard the vessel.

Preliminary investigations suggest that the boat’s captain may have fallen overboard due to high waves caused by bad weather.

Authorities are actively working to clarify the circumstances surrounding the event, and the case has been forwarded to the Prosecutor's Office for further investigation.

Details from the Police Statement:

During a coastal patrol in the Karpen area, the Border Police of Kavaja noticed a sailboat making uncontrolled movements. The vessel eventually ran aground in the sand, near the coastline.

A thorough search of the vessel by Spille's Border Police Station revealed the presence of a firearm, mobile devices, and personal belongings, including a German passport for an 85-year-old individual.

Preliminary investigations, in cooperation with the Italian Guardia di Finanza, indicate that the vessel departed from Bari, Italy, headed towards Croatia, initially navigating normally before the irregular movements began.

It is suspected that the captain of the sailboat may have fallen into the sea due to rough weather conditions. The investigation is ongoing, with the authorities also working alongside Interpol Tirana to verify the passport details and locate the missing individual.
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