Enkelejd Alibeaj Launches "Djathtas 1912": A New Party Built on Liberty and Tradition

 Albanian politician Enkelejd Alibeaj has officially launched his new political party, "Djathtas 1912," presenting the party’s guiding principles in a recent media statement, meaning "Right 1912". It should be noted that Albania gained independence from the Ottoman Empire in 1912, and in this context, many believe that after that year in Albania there was no real right wing but only communism and anarchy. During the announcement, Alibeaj emphasized that the party is built on five fundamental pillars of liberty: the individual, property, family, self-governance, and faith.

Enkelejd Alibeaj presenting the new party "Right 1912"
 Enkelejd Alibeaj presenting the new party "Right 1912"
 Key Ideals of "Djathtas 1912"

In his declaration, Alibeaj highlighted that at the center of this political movement is the rule of law, a limited government in both size and power, and a strong belief in the free market. He stressed that "Djathtas 1912" upholds traditional right-wing values, with individual liberty forming the foundation of Albania’s social, economic, and political cohesion.

“We believe in the principles of the right spectrum, with individual freedom as the cornerstone of all societal structures,” Alibeaj stated. He emphasized that the direct representation of popular sovereignty at every level of governance is key to realizing true freedom in Albania.

The Five Pillars of Liberty

Alibeaj outlined the five pillars that serve as the foundation of his party’s ideology:

1. The Individual: The party believes in the inviolable natural, political, and economic rights of individuals, including the rights to life, liberty, freedom of expression and religion, private property, and the pursuit of happiness.

2. Property: The right to own and protect property is central to human dignity and individual freedom. The party sees the protection of private property as essential to economic growth and personal security.

3. Family: The family is considered the cornerstone of social development. The growth of healthy families, rooted in tradition and social equality, is seen as the backbone of both the state and individual well-being.

4. Self-Governance: Alibeaj advocates for a decentralized system of governance, where local and central authorities work to engage society at every level. He sees local governance as crucial for preserving the sovereignty of communities and bringing decision-making closer to the people.

5. Faith: The party supports freedom of religion and views faith as a vital element of personal and societal morality.

A Vision for a Smaller, Stronger Government

Alibeaj made it clear that "Djathtas 1912" seeks a more limited role for government, ensuring efficiency and minimizing corruption. "We believe in a small but strong government," he stated, pointing out that governance should not be an end in itself but a means to safeguard individual rights and expand liberty. He stressed that Albania’s development should be rooted in the country’s Constitution, with a balanced system where the judiciary, parliament, and government operate with checks and balances.

The party also supports decentralization, viewing it as a critical principle to ensure public participation and engagement in governance. “Local governance is the foundation of community sovereignty and brings governance closer to citizens,” Alibeaj explained.

 Free Market and Economic Liberties

Alibeaj underscored the party’s belief in the free market as the driving force behind economic development and wealth distribution. "We believe that the free market is the best path for improving and growing the economy," he said. He argued that government interference in the economy should be minimized, with individuals and businesses as the real creators of prosperity and employment.

The party's economic vision emphasizes encouraging competition while limiting state intervention, without compromising the rule of law. Alibeaj noted that individuals, not bureaucrats, are best positioned to make decisions about their lives and well-being. The free enterprise system, according to him, is the foundation of economic growth and national prosperity, with a focus on production and fair asset distribution.

Respect for the Family and Human Dignity

Alibeaj also spoke about the party’s deep respect for the family unit and human dignity. "Every human life has priceless value, and just governance protects life, honors marriage, and the family," he said. He emphasized that strong, healthy families are essential for building a functional society, enriched by faith and moral values.

In conclusion, Alibeaj presented "Djathtas 1912" as a party that stands for individual liberty, the rule of law, and a free market economy, all underpinned by the principles of self-governance and respect for family values. He believes that these principles will guide Albania towards a prosperous, free, and just society.
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