The Special Prosecution Office against Corruption and Organized Crime (SPAK) has initiated investigative actions against the Mayor of Tirana, Erion Veliaj, as part of a criminal proceeding. In a press release, SPAK announced that due to the preliminary phase of the investigation, further details cannot be disclosed at this time.
"The Special Prosecution Office against Corruption and Organized Crime informs that certain investigative actions have been undertaken as part of a criminal proceeding. Since the investigation is still in its preliminary phase, we are unable to share additional information at this moment. Thank you for your understanding," the statement read.
Earlier this Friday morning, agents of the National Bureau of Investigation (BKH) conducted searches at Veliaj's residence. Acting on a court decision, they seized the mobile phone of his wife, Ajola Xoxa, as part of an asset investigation initiated by SPAK. Veliaj himself is currently on an official visit abroad.
The Mayor of Tirana is in Hamburg, Germany, for a two-day visit. During his stay, he met with the First Mayor of Hamburg, Peter Tschentscher, the President of Hamburg’s Parliament, Carola Veit, and members of the Committee on European Affairs.
Today, Veliaj is expected to participate in a roundtable organized by the Hamburg Chamber of Commerce, where German companies interested in investing in Albania will convene.