ANEA Association Honors Kosovo's Independence Day with a Cultural and Academic Event in Neuchâtel

 The ANEA Association, which brings together Albanian students in Neuchâtel, Switzerland, continues to uphold and promote the rich cultural heritage and traditions of Albanians. In commemoration of Kosovo’s Independence Day, the association had the honor of inviting Professor Nusret Pllana to deliver a distinguished lecture focused on the Kosovo War and the presentation of his publicist and documentary works.

ANEA Association Honors Kosovo's Independence Day with a Cultural and Academic Event in Neuchâtel
From the left: Liza Morina, Artina Kastrati, Erisa Shala, Nustret Pllana and Mejreme Thaçi
The audience in the hall expressed both pride and sorrow through frequent applause as Professor Nusret Pllana delivered his lecture titled: “Adem Jashari – A Symbol of Resistance, an Inspiration for Freedom.” Following this powerful lecture, the event proceeded with the promotion of the book “Albanian Children of Kosovo, Victims of Serbia’s State Genocide 1981/1999” by authors Hanëmshahe Ilazi and Nusret Pllana. In addition, the audience had the opportunity to view short documentary films, including “Drenusha” by Nusret Pllana and “Who Kills the Children?!” by Nusret Pllana and Esat Shala.

This cultural and academic gathering, professionally organized by Albanian students at the University of Neuchâtel in Switzerland, conveyed a powerful message: our painful and tragic history must never be forgotten. As history has repeatedly shown, when it is ignored, it tends to repeat itself. Albanians, due to their short collective memory, have endured cycles of bloodshed and genocide multiple times within a century.

ANEA Association Honors Kosovo's Independence Day with a Cultural and Academic Event in Neuchâtel

Reflecting on the nation’s tragic past, one of the attending students stated, “Today’s students deeply appreciate the journey of our ancestors and honor the sacrifices of our parents, who fought and endured hardships to give their children a better future. As students, we take this as a source of strength to build a brighter tomorrow.”

The event was meticulously organized by the ANEA association, led by:

  • Artina Kastrati – President
  • Liza Morina – Vice President
  • Erisa Shala – Secretary
  • Mejreme Thaqi – Treasurer

Held on February 28, 2025, at the University of Neuchâtel, the event was a remarkable success for the association. More than 100 attendees left with a sense of pride, reflecting on an evening where four Albanian students commemorated the sacrifices and struggles of their people.

This special evening was made possible with the support of various sponsors:

  • Prishtina Ticket – Provided two tickets (@prishtinaticketnet)
  • RB Import Export – Sponsored beverages (@r.b.import_export)
  • Ademi Bodenbeläge – Provided food (@ademi_bodenbelaege)

Every small step taken in such initiatives holds immense value for students, fostering a strong sense of cultural identity and responsibility for the future.

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