Another One Bites the Dust: Tirana Police Chief Faces SPAK

 Shocked and bewildered, Albanians woke up this Friday to the news that the Director of Tirana Police, Elton Alushi, had appeared at the premises of SPAK. Unbelievable! Another high-ranking official facing a justice institution? Who would have thought? Oh, wait, actually, we all did!

Elton Alushi at SPAK entrance
Elton Alushi at SPAK entrance
Like any honest and untouchable official, Alushi chose to walk past journalists without giving a statement. Why should he speak? In Albania, the silence of an official under investigation is a statement in itself, often more eloquent than a press conference. What more could he say? That he knows nothing? That it’s just a misunderstanding? That he has faith in justice? These are overused formulas by his predecessors, who today enjoy the peace of house arrest or a successful escape abroad.

Meanwhile, the reason for the Tirana police chief’s summons remains a mystery. Perhaps they simply wanted to congratulate him on his excellent work in maintaining order and peace during recent protests. Or maybe they had prepared a friendly coffee, a handshake in appreciation of his contribution to tolerating the unprecedented scenes outside the GJKKO? Whatever the motives, this is just another episode in the long-running soap opera of Albanian institutions, where the police always "don’t see," "don’t hear," and above all, "don’t intervene."

And as always, the only certainty is that Albanians are thoroughly entertained watching the repeated script of directors, officers, and chiefs who once ruled with an iron fist but now line up before SPAK like students caught off guard by their teacher. Will we get a new ending to this story? Or will we continue watching the never-ending episodes of the series "Justice That Comes, But Not for Everyone"?

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